Multiple passengers boarded an Amtrak train from Detroit to Chicago last Friday when chaos suddenly began to unfold. According to ABC7, passengers aboard this Amtrak were stuck on the train for 19 hours without water, food, electricity, or restrooms. Jake Tobias and Melissa Behring boarded the train at the Royal Oak station in preparation for a 4.5 hour trip.
"Within the first hour they ran out of water. There was no water for anybody to drink," Behring shared with ABC7 in regards to a mechanical issue that turned into a 19-hour nightmare. "They said they were calling crews, they were calling engineering crews hoping to get some power restored."
The couple told ABC7 that the power was never restored, and after a delay involving medical issues of another passenger, the workers had reached their limit for the day.
"They said our workers have hit their hourly limit. We're going to have to wait for a new crew," Tobias detailed.
Fed up with these conditions, Tobias, Behring, and a few other passengers decided to jump off the train, hop the fence and try to get an Uber. The passengers arrived at their destination early the following morning. ABC7 obtained a statement from Amtrak following the incident.
"We began contacting customers from both trains over the weekend to repeat our apologies and offer them refunds or transportation credit for a future trip, at their option."
Meanwhile, the passengers were less concerned with the transportation credit and more concerned about compensation for arrangements that had to be altered due to the unexpected journey.