Nashville Bomber Ranted About Lizard People, 9/11 Conspiracies In Letters

"Intentional" Explosion Rattles Nashville On Christmas Day

Two days before Anthony Warner blew himself up in an RV in downtown Nashville, Tennessee, he mailed a package to a person who knew him. The package arrived at their house on New Year's Day and contained nine typed pages and two USB thumb drives. According to WTVFhe may have mailed similar packages to other people.

While his ramblings don't mention the bombing, they do shed some light into the mind of Warner as authorities continue their investigation into why he detonated a bomb outside of an AT&T building on Christmas Day. Officials have said that the bomber may have been motivated by "paranoia over 5G technology."

In the letters, Warner ranted about 9/11 conspiracy theories and questioned whether or not the moon landing was real. He claimed that he spent time hunting for alien life in a nearby state park.

"You will never believe what I found in the park," he wrote, "The knowledge I have gained is immeasurable. I now understand everything, and I mean everything from who/what we really are, to what the known universe really is."

He claimed that lizard people controlled the planet and had been editing human DNA.

"They put a switch into the human brain so they could walk among us and appear human," Warner wrote.

The thumb drives contained internet videos about various conspiracy theories.

The documents were turned over to the FBI, which is leading the investigation into the Christmas Day bombing.

Photo: Getty Images

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